Healthy Eating : good nutrition doesn't have to be bland or boring

Whether trying to be healthy or lose weight – discover how delicious healthy diets can actually be.
Savour the wonderful flavors nature so graciously provides in foods .....
There are healthy recipes for tasty meals to pamper your palate.
Want to lose weight fast ? Try some diet plan here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pretty people who didn't take care

Stars who lost their looks - Fox

Age, suspect lifestyle choices, and venti whole milk lattes have turned some stars from really pretty to kinda gritty.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Secrets to successful Weight Loss

Losing weight is a challenge for most people. It is however totally possible – if you go about it the right way. There's little point in starving yourself for some days, then when you are thrilled with the few pounds shed, celebrate by binge eating to put them right back !

To begin, having the right psychology is important. Get your Motivation in order : why are you trying to do what you're doing? Practice a little affirmation that you will keep to a sensible plan to achieve lasting results.

You need sound knowledge – use diet plans that provide adequate nutrition for your body whilst avoiding excess fat-forming ingredients. Begin a journey of education on nutrition.

After the acute dieting stage, it's important to Continue on a sensible diet on a permanent basis if you seriously want to maintain your figure. Resolve to lay aside your old eating habits & instead incorporate new healthy eating habits to keep for life.
Then, why should you not succeed ?

Try Diet Solution Program

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Foods to avoid

Certain foods should be avoided, especially if trying to lose weight - those containing hydrogenated fats, animal fats, or high sugar content.

Examples : bacon, high-fat meats like hamburger, snack foods, 'health bars' (ironic, but they often contain hydrogenated fats), margarine.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reasons for Organic Food

UK's Newcastle University School of Agriculture found that rats fed an all-organic diet had lower weights, less fat, and stronger immune systems.

Organic food is a natural detox since it is grown without pesticides & chemicals. It is also not genetically-engineered.

Furthermore, organic farming is more environmentally-friendly : using less energy, fewer resources, and no harsh chemicals that pollute the water supply.

The good thing is, organic produce doesn't always cost that much more, if you shop around and look for bargains. Try the farmer's market and buy in-season foods that are locally-produced.

You can also grow your own food in the yard, or planter boxes on your condo balcony.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

You are what you EAT ...

What's the body built from : is it not from the food we eat?

So let's be mindful what we put into the body ~ Good quality food or tainted food.
We ought to be discerning about chemical additives & unnatural substances commonly found in modern processed foods. Are they really good for us?